Adult Volunteers
Last Updated: 10/18/98 |
Leadership Opportunities
Cub Scout Pack 291 provides numerous opportunities to get involved in scouting.
The commitment to become a Cub Scout leader can be a very rewarding experience
for both you and your Cub. You don't need to have any experience with scouting,
just a good attitude and a willingness to work with a group of enthusiastic
boys! Both men and women are invited to participate! What can you do to
help out with Cub Scouts?
Den Leader
Den Leaders are the "heart" of Pack 291. Den Leaders organize and run weekly
Den meetings held in the home, school, or community center. Dens are normally
made up of 8 scouts, all the same age and rank. It's lots of fun to be
a Den Leader (it's not nearly as hard as it sounds)!
Pack Committee Member
The primary duties of the Pack Committee are to establish the schedule
of activities for the year, approve expenditures, and help steer the Pack
towards the goals and objectives established by the Committee. If you can't
make a regular commitment, but are interested in participating in the life
of the Pack, please consider becoming a Committee member!
The Treasurer maintains control over Pack 291's funds. During the course
of the year, the Treasurer collects dues, organizes fund raising activities,
and pays the many expenses incurred by the Pack.
Assistant Cub Master
The Assistant Cub Master is given the opportunity to lead, organize, and
participate in the many scouting activities we have through out the year.
Particularly during our camp-outs, we need more than one leader to organize
and guide the boys through a weekend filled with activities for our Cub
Cub Master
The Cub Master is responsible for leading the Pack, taking direction
from the Pack Committee. This leadership role provides oversight for all
Pack activities, supports and participates in District level activities,
and helps the pack grow by encouraging other adult leader to participate.
Part-time Assistants
Don't have the time to be an adult leader? Consider being a part-time assistant
in you Cub's Den. Your Den leader could really use the help (even if they
didn't ask)! Help the Den organize one or more activities, do a special
project, or even provide the snack!
Activity Volunteers
We're always looking for volunteers to help organize or participate in
our Pack activities. These activities include:
Camp Outs - Plan the meals and buy the food!
Pop Corn Sale - Sell popcorn at the grocery store!
Den Meetings - Organize a group game, bring the snack, help
Blue & Gold Banquet - Help decorate!
Day Activities - Organize and lead a hike in the park!
The North Florida Council of the Boy Scouts of America provides organizing
training sessions and video tapes for all new Den Leaders, Committee Members,
and Cub Masters. Our goal for 1998-199 is to have a 100% trained Pack!

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