CUB Scout Pack 291

Ponte Vedra / Palm Valley, Florida

Last Updated 2/1/2000

Pack Calendar

Den Leader Info

Parent Info

Just for Cubs

Why Join Scouts

Contact 291

About Pack 291

Pack 291 serves 1st through 5th grade boys in the Ocean Palms Elementary School area in Ponte Vedra / Palm Valley areas of northern St. John's County, Florida. The pack was chartered in 1997, and currently has 80 Scouts organized into two Tiger Cub dens, two Wolf dens, two Bear den, and two Webelos dens. The Chartered Organization for Pack 291 is Ocean Palms Elementary School. Pack 291 is a member of the Osceola District of the North Florida Council.

Pack 291 News
Camp Out Saturday, February 5th & 6th
Faver Dykes State Park
Join us Saturday morning, February 5th, for a great day i the woods.  We'll go fishing in Pellicer Creek, hike the nature trails, and earn our Wittlin' Chips around the camp-fire!  The cost is $10 per person, and includes use of bathroom / shower facilities and all food.

Faver Dykes is located south of St. Augustine at the intersection of Rt 1.  and I-95.  See this link for directions.

Yard Sale Saturday, February 19th
Ponte Vedra Beach Presbyterian Church
Drop item off at the church on Friday, February 18th.  More details coming later this week !
Blue & Gold Banquet Wednesday, February 23rd.
Ocean Palms Elementary
6:30 - 8:00 PM
Join us for dinner, skits, and fun at our annual Blue & Gold Banquet.  All dens will decorate their tables for the feast and entertain us with skits, laughter, and lots of fun!