Why Join Scouting? 

Last Updated: 8/30/99

In 1930, the Boy Scouts of America created a new opportunity called Cub Scouting for boys younger than Boy Scout age. A year-round, home-centered program used by chartered organizations, Cub Scouting emphasizes involvement between boys and their parents, adult leaders, and friends. In the multidimensional plan of the Boy Scouts of America, Cub Scouting is where it all begins.

Cub Scouting has the following purposes:

Leadership Skills

Scouting teaches our young men the skills that help prepare them for a lifetime of ethical leadership. Among Scouting alumni are:


Research conducted by Louis Harris & Associates showed that when a random sample of Scouts was asked what Scouting had taught them, almost nine out of ten responded with the following: In addition, Scouts were found to be more likely to:


What happens to a Scout? For every 100 boys who join Scouting, records indicate that: Scouting's alumni record is equally impressive. A recent nation-wide survey of high schools revealed the following information: Scouts also account for:

Scouting is Fun!

For Tiger Cubs (boys entering first grade in the fall) and Cub Scouts (second through fifth grade) participate in both pack-wide activities as well as numerous den-level activities. Pack 291 activities during the year have included: 
  • Pinewood Derby Racing
  • Day trip to Camp Blanding
  • Cub-o-Ree Camp-out with over 800 Cub Scouts !
  • Camping, canoeing, fishing, and climbing trees at Faver-Dykes State Park
  • Visits to the Police and Fire Department
  • Hiking at Guana State Park
  • Trips to the TV Station

How to Join Pack 291

Contact one of the Pack Leaders or watch for an announcement in September about the "Fall Round-Up" we hold at Ocean Palms.

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